2024-07-21 12:14:11

21 Jul 2024 @ 12h15 - North West University

Kedebone Phako from North West University joins in to talk about the difficulties with the government of National Unity.

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it's exactly fourteen minutes after here on twelve e n c a power battles between municipalities or power battles rather continue municipalities at and the a n c in gauteng wants to reclaim the tshwane and johannesburg chambers in tshwane we already know the a n c plans to remove mayor councillor cilliers brink through a no confidence motion and in johannesburg mayor kabelo commanders job is looks at stake it like data moreira might come back finish his stint to you may remember served moreira only for twenty five two days in twenty twenty before he was removed e a's pule lesotho n c jones is on that story this has become your beat pule many for many years seeing these political musical chairs out play especially since the advent of a government of coalitions and now national a the government of unity clearly there is no provincial by baie unity what we see lately definitely we continue and to witness the political jostling fight for positions and and remember tshwane really the city of wasn't a first time a that the n c caucus leadership there through likes of george the matjila and of course mr bones bones who's the original chair in that particular area tried to remove mr brink that motion and of no confidence was not given the numbers successful that they have council in that so in the city of really joburg it's a different ball game and dynamic we understand and that the the likes of moreira have been data consolidating and lobbying and to get that support trying between from executive the regional committee of the a n c the city of in johannesburg though he and it seems as might be close this in terms of time around being the next mayor the for city of johannesburg from sources have spoken to we that we understand that kabelo commanders lgr was called in for he's been made a meeting and aware of such that was a change happening been though and it seems as he might as well be offered the mayoral member committee position within the maker of the mayor as well we just when this don't know move to actually have darem real return as the mayor will take place because as far as you understand meeting the next council will be at the end of month in the city this of johannesburg to it but next we know that the surname action sa meeting has been taking place over the weekend it starts on saturday it's ending today on sunday and you would remember sindi before the leader of action sa michael bosmont said that once we can't work with the n c national a government but we will support them when it comes to issue by basis as issue well and we know been offered that they've a couple of positions a by the n c in the city of which includes johannesburg the chair of chairs position and of course other positions as well may be which they receiving within the mayor of the mayor or committee if they are to with the a n c work and when speaking to some of those in action seems as sa it though a possible on the deal could be cards between action a n c and sa actually working together within this of local government unity in the city of johannesburg the outcomes of course will be presented tomorrow in the public by action sa's well senate as which sat over crucial the weekend so quite times that we are waiting to anticipate to see what happens there wanted but i just to take a listen to what gauteng the chairperson of ujamaa he had to say because says they were not a made aware of possible ousting of kabelo kabelo amanda from ujamaa but what they do know there have been talks is that happening within the corridors of the government of local unity in the city of johannesburg let's take a listen know you there's constant lobbying constant communication right where we rona are as the g work on the bill l you don't this is why we have even a contract that was signed so every party that constitutes the you g and it's the party that saw a need to govern and and to champion the of the residents plight in the city of however johannesburg the talks are there of course there is an element because of opportunism hung municipality it's a everyone aspires to be of the the leader coalition at some point but talks between the the action sa and our coalition those talks are happening in the corridors is a principal there in the g in particular l you that parties that are governing they currently will be taken into confidence in whichever way whenever anything happens however there communication isn't any that was issued for us to sit and discuss the future of the coalition we so have confidence in mayor kabelo commander you know that he has earned clean audit recently most pledges from thapelo ahmed who was mayor for johannesburg a very briefly and then kabelo amanda then took over the position if later on if ujamaa will take kindly to having to casualties as it were if to be amanda were recalled and what that would mean for the relationship with the a n c and other p n u g and you'll parties going forward you are right in fact what they are saying is quite disappointed that they'll be given the fact that also part of they are the provincial management committee in the city of johannesburg outline where they tried to some of these political stability dynamics and the of governance as well but also politics is a game of positions know and we do that mr thapelo amid has in the cold been out and from he's also what we know been wanting in terms of given being given a position given the fact that his party is part of local unity the government of he's the former mayor but he is not heading a strategic position particular in this city so it means that this around we may be seeing time the return thapelo amid of coming back to that memorial committee we just don't know what the future of course is for mr kabelo commander who may possibly as well give an m m position as well c if data morena come in is to today the a n c's gauteng leadership some members of the p are e c having their provincial election team meeting well in the city as of johannesburg also they will deliberate over some of these to whether discussions as what happens and when is tomorrow being placed in as the suitable be candidates to the mayor of the city of johannesburg now this has is not the first time it happened we saw this precedent being in the city of set ekurhuleni where the a n c was basically arguing that where have the number of they seats in a that council particular candidates should whose to be a mayor come from the a n c's benches followed by how they would then be power sharing proportionally within the government of local unity so things are really quite different around this time and with action sa working coming in and with the a n c may pose it just a question as to what be the relationship will between the a n c and the e f f city then in the of johannesburg who by the way were part and parcel of those that who reject it loan which was initially proposed mayor kabelo by the commander in the city of johannesburg e n c a's pule lesotho jones you indeed thank we continue the discussion analyst with political professor kedibone palo from the north university west good afternoon to you professor paulo know we you are fresh out of the election and the announcement of a g and and you reluctantly so we saw the provincial government of national unity or you know provincial taking unity place but the cracks are already beginning to show is this what the future the immediate future and will have in south africans store for sindi yes i think it right you have in the beginning when we with started the conversations and discourse on of the government national unity it became very there clear that are many areas that political need parties still to thrash out to find one another and i think the coming up statement of with the intent that also spoke to the manner in which arrangements would be made within the legislatures and provinces was actually a very compelling document which was actually compiled with a very within limited space of time i think and so we should now and again expect this kind of problems to come i think up but in the manner that the have been addressed issues so far looks like got sufficient we've leadership capital within the political that are driving parties the especially from the d a and from the african national congress they they do have major differences and i think also don't in terms of ideology but in terms also of just personalities that sometimes larger sim than the whole arrangement but so far i think they managed to contain quite significantly many of those issues that could have collapsed this arrangement professor makgoba speaking to enca reporter senior amandla kokkie was at outlining the issues that some of had led to the demise of the a n c under with them coming forty percent nationally that this had been a build up to their own implosion self destruction or that was when there are gathering there needs to be a level of sobriety maturity and honesty and come out strategy with some that they can implement to salvage is left of the party what in certain areas yes indeed i'm not sure about of honesty the question but what is we need to remember that politics it's a it's a of power game accessing the privileges of government it's politics a game of career zuma speak who can the best and actually persuade the the the the voters to come on their side so it's an exciting game politics bigger in the scheme of things but what seen we have as you have rightly pointed out that is a n c started losing the actual touch with the electorates and especially in the urban areas in the in the city centres of this country and it overlooked looks like they that fact and by and large that came issues about were on whether a n c is capable of providing service delivery and we know that part of the that challenge was the a n c has been plagued by a lot of corruption amongst its rent and also in my view a lack intellectual of capital i think the many breakaway that a is n c has suffered following nineteen ninety the four has actually taken of the best away some brains out n c so of the a it becomes difficult to attract people who can think and reports n c the a not just to maintain its as identity a liberation movement but also n c make a to be a a a party a a in government that understands its roles and responsibilities and how it should be to able live up to the plans have like that we the national development plans and constitutionalism the that we are finding ourselves also in but just to make sure that our development trajectory is maintained and sustained so in way you that actually deal with issues of poverty you deal with issues of unemployment so these issues are if not tackled and tackled sustainably and and and clearly so i think the a n c in government will continue suffer to from and and and not receive support from sufficient the elections alright profit as let you we go just in the sense in the that politics our obviously permeates lives as we know it not only when it comes to markets the currency cost the of living safety and security access to health and basic communities but these when there are sort of p e c currently meetings happening in k z n there's talks of a confidence of no confidence motion against brings celliers in in tshwane for example what we to make are as the electorate trying and in to figure out the way forward for this country in the next five years think i i think a n c is trying to respond to what the electorate have said and send a very strong message during the election of twenty-ninth may so it looks like that message is really getting action party within the and they are sobering now to if realise they are going to continue with the way they have been conducting themselves publicly urging peeling the resources in government in municipalities in in in provinces it is for them the right thing it's on the wall are going that they to be taken out of government and and reduced to be a spectator the game that they in have actually did for for for for the longest time is time so it i'm afraid we want to leave it there professor really appreciate your joining on this us monday edition of all angles is political that analyst professor kedibone pheko from north west the university up next limpopo le grange i'll be back at the top of the hour stay with us you are up in growing a small village dreams and aspirations felt like they were out of everything my rich changed when million comforts entered access my life to sanitary pads empowered me to persevere in school and embrace the chance to succeed i now holds a bachelor of science degree and i'm a qualified educator grateful i am so to the million comforts campaign more help keep girls like me in school dis-chem join the foundation million comforts campaign today